Our Work During COVID-19

Our Work During COVID-19

Healthcare Ready has spent the last two years working to address the supply chain vulnerabilities that were both identified and exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic. This work wouldn’t have been possible without the continued collaboration between our public health and private sector partners, who continue to step up during times of disaster. 

Healthcare Ready remains activated for COVID-19, and we’re continuing to track and assess many areas, including:

  • Supply chain operations and demand for pharmaceuticals, personal protective equipment, diagnostics, and other critically needed supplies. 
  • Workforce struggles, especially across medical providers who have been at the front line of this response.
  • Business continuity, especially across critical infrastructure sectors whose operations may impact healthcare and public health.
  • Potential border restrictions with the rise of emerging variants, such as Omicron.
  • Various political efforts to support the US health system and alleviate strains caused by COVID-19 outbreaks nationally.
  • Collaboration and partnerships across health systems to better understand their concerns, in addition to alignment with federal partners.
  • Impacts of travel advisories and quarantine recommendations.
  • Prioritization of humanitarian assistance as we continue to handle donations and supplies for those who need it most.

To learn more about our work combatting the COVID-19 virus and other disasters, visit our Alert Hub here.



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