Roundtable Discussion Series: Diseases and Disasters

Community-Focused Organizations and Patient Advocacy: Finding and Equitable path forward

Healthcare Ready hosts a series of roundtable discussions designed to bring patient advocacy and community-focused organizations together with public health preparedness policy experts. The goal of these discussions is to share information and ideas, build relationships, and better integrate all healthcare stakeholders in public health preparedness efforts.

Some of the roundtable discussions that Healthcare Ready has hosted includes:

  • Chronic Care:Cardiovascular Disease and End Stage Renal Disease: The first event in the series focused on highlighting the health and medical needs patients with these chronic conditions and their caregivers face during a disaster or other event impacting their health.
  • Virtual Roundtable: Diabetes and Disasters: This event examined considerations and challenges for patients with chronic diseases including diabetes and kidney disease.
  • Aging Populations and Disasters: This event convened experts from aging advocacy groups and public health and preparedness organizations to examine and share preparedness considerations for aging populations and their caregivers.

Pharmacy and Emergency Preparedness: This discussion was designed to bring public officials and retail and community pharmacy owners and operators, payers, healthcare preparedness experts, and other pharmacy stakeholders together. Challenges associated with ensuring access to medicines during an emergency and building health resilience year-round were reviewed during this discussion, while opportunities and best practices for innovation were identified.


Roundtable Discussion Series: Diseases and Disasters

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