
Strengthening the Capabilities of Pharmacists and Pharmacies

Pharmacies and pharmacists are an essential asset to healthcare preparedness and response. Healthcare Ready undertakes projects aimed at educating partners on their capabilities, equipping pharmacy stakeholders with resources, and ensuring patients have uninterrupted access to pharmacies during emergencies.


Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Training Series

Healthcare Ready partnered with the CDC’s Division of the Strategic National Stockpile to develop and deliver a series of trainings on the pharmaceutical supply chain for emergency managers and public health preparedness officials. These trainings helped emergency managers understand the importance of keeping the supply chain operational during an emergency (and what exactly that entails)

Ebola Response Guide for Pharmacists

During the height of the Ebola epidemic, Healthcare Ready developed job aides for US-based pharmacists on courses of action to take if a patient presented with symptoms indicating Ebola virus disease as well as best methods to partner with local health departments.


Pharmacy-based Text Messaging for Emergencies

In collaboration with the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), Healthcare Ready researched the use of pharmacy-based mobile text messaging capabilities in the even of a public health emergency . Research activities included gathering information and highlighting obstacles identified by private sector implementers and policy experts working to identify solutions that would benefit patients during emergencies. This research effort culminated in a report exploring the feasibility of pharmacies sending mobile alerts during public health emergencies.

Medicines During Disasters

During times of disaster, Healthcare Ready provides vital assistance to healthcare and emergency managers alike to ensure uninterrupted access to medicines and healthcare. From helping secure and direct donations to the shelters with the greatest need, to ensuring delivery trucks are able to make it through police barriers on their way to hospitals or pharmacies, we stand ready to ”help the helpers.”

Highlights from our disaster response work include:

  • A 21-day activation for Hurricane Sandy (please refer to PDF on right)
  • During H1N1 Pandemic in 2009-2010, helped reduce the tremendous burden on the private sector supply chain to provide ad hoc inventory reporting on a daily basis
  • Supported development of Countermeasure Inventory Tracking Dashboard (CIT), a tool to assist federal and state officials with decision-making for the release of stockpiled assets.
We also serve as a member of the disaster health committee within the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD). As part of this group, we work on planning and policy considerations for ensuring access to medicine and medical supplies year-round and during disasters.




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