Alert Hub


Healthcare Ready’s hub for our disaster response efforts

Healthcare Ready’s Alert Hub provides patients access to relevant situation reports, threat analyses, visualizations, and more for a specific event by clicking on the links below.

Healthcare Ready’s up-to-date Alert Hub provides those in need during vulnerable situations with the following timely and essential tools for facilitating solutions in disasters. Some of these disasters include disease outbreaks, severe weather (hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, flooding, winter weather), drug and medical supply shortages, and more.

On Healthcare Ready’s Alert Hub, you will find access to:

  • The right contacts in government or the private sector,
  • Trusted, protected communications channels to share and react to sensitive information
  • Reliable, tailored situation updates compiled from public and private sources
  • Subject matter expertise on policy and operational aspects of disaster response

Crisis Response Levels

There are three public levels to Healthcare Ready’s status: Standby, Monitoring, and Engaged.

  • Standby: During normal operations, Healthcare Ready maintains readiness on a Standby status. This indicates a time when there is no event imminent or when an event threatens but does not look likely.
  • Monitoring: When an event looks likely to threaten public health and potentially disrupt the normal supply chain, Healthcare Ready can move a Monitoring status. Monitoring status may also be used to initiate a “partial” activation, in which an incident or event is impactful enough to require ST assistance but not enough to fully engage the entire EOC.
  • Engaged: When an event is threatening public health and may disrupt the normal supply chain, Healthcare Ready will move to Engaged.


Healthcare Ready is currently MONITORING for any impacts from the Avian Influenza outbreak. We are monitoring supply chain needs and community impact with the assistance of our private and public sector partners. Healthcare Ready is currently consolidating information pertinent to the 2024 Avian Influenza outbreak and will disseminate it promptly. We are committed to ensuring that accurate and comprehensive data are made available at the earliest opportunity to facilitate informed decision-making and effective response measures
Healthcare Ready is currently MONITORING for any impacts from the Avian Influenza outbreak. We are monitoring supply chain needs and community impact with the assistance of our private and public sector partners. Healthcare Ready is currently consolidating information pertinent to the 2024 Avian Influenza outbreak and will disseminate it promptly. We are committed to ensuring that accurate and comprehensive data are made available at the earliest opportunity to facilitate informed decision-making and effective response measures
Healthcare Ready is currently MONITORING for any impacts from the FSK Bridge collapse. We are monitoring supply chain needs and community impact with the assistance of our private and public sector partners.
Healthcare Ready is currently MONITORING for any impacts from the cyberattack. We are monitoring supply chain needs and community impact with the assistance of our private and public sector partners.
Healthcare Ready is currently MONITORING for any impacts from the severe weather affecting CA. We are monitoring supply chain needs and community impact with the assistance of our private and public sector partners.
Healthcare Ready is currently MONITORING for any impacts from the winter storm(s) and impending storms. We are monitoring supply chain needs and community impact with the assistance of our private and public sector partners.
Healthcare Ready is on alert for a pediatric surge in respiratory illness and shortages of RSV vaccine in infants Vulnerable populations, including children from lower-income or underserved communities may be disproportionately affected
Healthcare Ready's response hub for the 2023 pharmacy closures due to worker strike.
Healthcare Ready's response hub for the 2023 Potential Government Shutdown.

Request Assistance from Healthcare Ready

If you would like to request assistance from Healthcare Ready, please email at or call (866-247-2694)


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